JavaScript woes.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
2:10 PM
0 hugs
Not. :D
You see, I've thought of trying to code a particular problem -- an alert will pop-up with a message that changes depending on the time of the day. So I looked for a code that displays a message on the site itself similar to the one in the problem, then looked for the code for functions, combined them, and changed it into an alert instead of using the document.write snippet.
And. Boom.
Haha. Since this is my first foray into JavaScript coding (but not programming), I guess you could say that I was really, really happy that my first attempt worked. :D
Haha. Yeah, I know I sound SO geeky. Sheesh.=))
On the other hand, that Math Speed Test was... Gah. D:
And. I'm in the library again. Haha. Excuse? "Upload ko lang Bio, ah." =))
Well, I am uploading it. Just that the internet here takes forever to load.
And now I'm killing time here. Blogging. Haha. I don't know what the fark to do right now. I'd cuss, but, yeah... I'm in school, and this blog IS for ComSci, so yeah.
On another note, er... I dunno. I'll be using this as a sandbox for my JavaScript experiments. Haha. Yeah, this is not just my CSS/layout sandbox anymore. Expect sandbox_js(1) tonight, I guess -- it's gonna be that alert message thingy. XD [This blog is on sandbox_css(3) now :D]
I sound so freaking geeky.