Nasa lib...
Monday, August 4, 2008 1:19 PM || 0 hugs

...ulit. XD

Anyway, yeah. My brain feels drained. No, seriously. Can't really think of anything anymore. Good thing Math's in the morning, else I'd be screwed.

You see, this morning, Ma'am Paz told me that I was a nominee for this conference thing, to be held in India this November. So, yeah, she told me that I had to go to the library, where we were going to be briefed about the application process.

When I went there, I thought we just had to fill out forms and stuff. BUT NO. We were made to write an essay. This would be fine with me, except that it was on the spot, and the topic was... well, it was difficult to write about. I think I stared at the monitor for 10 minutes (what a waste) before typing anything, so yeah.

Ah, well. At least I was able to finish it. I feel mine's utter crap, though -- there was no coherence whatsoever, and I kinda went in circles. Yeah. Hooray for circular logic!

Oh, well. I hope I get in. And if ever I do... haha. Can someone pay for my plane tickets? And give me pocket money? PLEAAASE?

Here's to luck, and to wishing that things will turn out nicely for me.

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