Unproductive day.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
6:31 PM
0 hugs
I really shouldn't have gone to school today.
It was boring, and a futile attempt at productivity. We're still not done with Health, and we still have SS to work on. Some groups have yet to finish their English board games too.
Not to mention the fact that I stayed up until two in the morning just to finish my Gantt chart and the board game stuff. And to think I have to wake up at five everyday. You can just imagine how sleepy I was in school -- I had to walk around campus quite a few times to keep myself awake, since pinching myself doesn't seem to work anymore.
I've been thinking lately that I've been giving away too much of myself. But then, I was never really the secretive type -- although I can keep secrets of others, I can't seem to keep mine. I don't know why, but I guess it's because whenever I have a secret, it feels like there's this weight on my shoulders that I need to life. Odd, I know.
Life, and love in particular, is like a bottle of Royal Tru-Orange.
Yeah, you know. That sweet orange-flavoured soda.
It tastes good while fresh, while cold. Once it heats up, however, it starts to taste sour, and eventually turns bitter.
Similarly, life's sweet when you're happy. And it turns sour, even bitter, when you're confronted with all sorts of problems and crap.
...Don't mind me. Just thinking about stuff lately.
Favor: Can anyone pleasepleaseplease write me a palanca? Give it to Joaq on or before Friday next week. :D
LSS of the Moment: Plain White T's - Natural Disaster