Friday, December 12, 2008
1:28 PM
0 hugs
Writing here now because I'm in CS and shiz. (LJ, why aren't you in the freaking whitelist? T_T)
One more subject to go, and it's already the weekend.
And frankly, I wanna sleep. Been staying up far too late for the past week -- that's what hell week does to you, m'deah.
Ah, well. It's already STR.
lost it.
Friday, December 5, 2008
1:28 PM
0 hugs
I'm really, really losing motivation nowadays.
Even writing here feels like a chore already. Well, technically it was -- this was a requirement, after all.
I don't know if I'll stop blogging here, though. Maybe I'll keep this until the end of the school year. Just for organization's sake. All third year memories in one blog.
Just maybe.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
11:42 PM
0 hugs
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. -- 1 Corinthians 15:26
I read somewhere before that time is what makes all human beings equal. No matter where we are in life, we will all eventually run out of time. The question now is, how do we spend the remaining time that we have? Should we wallow in regret, or do we seize the day?
May Therene Timbang's passing remind us all that we should never take things for granted. That we should always make the most out of everything. We will never know when our time will run out. Death never chooses how old, or how wealthy, or how famous you are.
No day but today.
Rest in peace, Therene. I never had the chance to get to know her, but all the same, I hope and pray that she is in God's loving arms right now.
puff of air
0 hugs
Only 23 days left before Christmas.
Twenty-three. That's only around three weeks and two days.
And yet, there's still something missing around here. Something that would, for once, make me really look forward to Christmas. Something that would wake up the child in me -- the five-year old girl who wrote to Santa for her gifts.
Well, I doubt I'd be insanely gloomy this year -- I finally got rid of whatever was making me feel depressed the past two years of my life. Just because I already got rid of that hindrance, however, doesn't guarantee me a happy holiday season.
There's a new void somewhere, and I can feel it. It's torturing, haunting the daylights out of me. It's come to the point where I can no longer ignore it -- frankly, I want that void to be filled. And although I would love Santa to grant me this wish, I realize that it cannot be granted, simply because it isn't supposed to be.
And yet that isn't truly depressing, because in a way, I already have what I want. It's just in a different form. I'd like it to take another shape, sure, but I guess this is fine in itself already. I just hate how discontented I am with its present form.
Now that's depressing.
So I'll wish this for Christmas instead: that I be contented with what I have, since these truly are blessings.
I hope Santa hears me, just for one last time.
LSS of the Moment: Fall Out Boy - Yule Shoot Your Eye Out